2020-03-30 19:37:57 I na daljinu vrijedni... Radovi učenika 6. d razreda o Irskoj na engleskom jeziku Povodom 17. ožujka, Dana sv. Patrika, nacionalnog praznika u Irskoj, učenici 6. d razreda učili su o Irskoj, njenoj kulturi, civilizaciji i upoznali su jednu veoma popularnu irsku legendu o malom vilenjaku. Opisivali su ga, “razgovarali” s njim, postavljali mu bezbroj pitanja i davali odgovore, pisali su online test u obliku kviza kojeg su veoma uspješno riješili. Zatim su ga izradili od materijala po izboru koji im se našao pri ruci. Predstavljamo nekoliko njihovih radova. Vesna Srdoč Lekšan, prof.
Matija Srdoč i Sara Bratanović The Leprechaun The leprechaun was a little man, about two feet tall, he lived under a big tree by a stream. He was a shoemaker and spent his days making shoes. The Leprechaun was a little bit of a miser, so he didn’t like to spend his money. The Leprechaun was very wise and he knew when someone wanted to trick him. He had a green hat, a green coat, yellow trousers, red shoes with yellow stripes. He had a beard and a famous Leprechaun ears. Erik Marinić, 6d
The Leprechaun The Leprechaun is a little man about two feet tall. He lives under a large tree. He is a shoemaker. He spends his days making shoes for people and for the fairies. They pay for them with the pieces of gold. He keeps his gold in an old metal pot but later he buries his gold at the end of one rainbow. He knows that rainbow are magical. Leonard Giraldi, 6d
Anja Cerovski i David Čuturić
An interview with an elf ● Where do you live? I live under a big tree in a forest by a stream. ● Where did you hide your gold? I hid it in a hole in the meadow at the end of a rainbow. ● Who showed you how to make shoes? My father, the biggest Leprechaun in my village. ● What is the foolest wish you have ever heard? When Tim said.” The third wish is three more wishes.” ● What’s your favourite magic? My wisdom. ● What do you think about the other fairies? They are OK but some of them are very spoiled. ● What’s your favourite part of the day? That would be dawn. ●Why? I love colours. Down is the most beautiful rainbow on the planet Earth. Erik Marinić, 6 d
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